SIFFFT™ is a proven methodology for developing community-owned renewable energy projects. It streamlines the process from site identification to project delivery.
The whole process is built on years of experience in successful onshore wind project development.
Risk Mitigation: The process reduces risks at each stage by thoroughly assessing technical, environmental, and financial factors.
Community Engagement: Local communities are engaged early and supported throughout, ensuring local buy-in and long-term benefits.
Sustainability: Encourages renewable energy projects that are both financially and environmentally sustainable.
Proven Success: This method has delivered successful renewable energy projects for communities across the UK.

The purpose of the five-stage SIFFFT process is to install wind turbines. To de-risk developments and focus investment on projects that have the best probability of success. At each stage we conduct more in-depth studies to ensure each new round of investment is strategically targeted.
The first stage of the SIFFFT process is built around our own proprietary software and GIS techniques we have adapted. It can evaluate land quickly, identifying sites that have the
highest probability of success, and eliminating sites that would be impossible.
On the first pass it uses over sixty enabling and limiting parameters, everything from wind resource, land designations and ecological concerns to acoustics, aviation, heritage, building and feature proximity. These data are run through a library of parameters on current wind turbines. Settings can be adjusted to accommodate local regulations.
Our specially developed algorithms weigh all of these factors and create a heat map of the area, easily enabling us to see locations according to project success probability.
As a team we analyse this information using judgement and experience to evaluate the sites identified and inform decision making. Sites that are selected move on to stage two.
This first stage assessment works equally well for specific sites as it does for wide area studies. It accelerates and de-risks onshore wind project development, ensuring that financial investment and community effort are expended on the projects most likely to succeed.